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IODP Expedition Schedule for the JOIDES Resolution

For information on expeditions operated by MarE3 (Chikyu; Japan) and ESO (mission-specific platforms; Europe), please see the IODP Science Office.

JOIDES Resolution Expedition Schedule
Expedition Name
(see map)
Exp # Ports
(start/end; travel info)
Dates1 Total days
(port /sea)
Days at sea2
JRSO Contact
(Staff Scientist)
Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-Archive
403 Amsterdam
to Amsterdam, Netherlands
4 June–
2 August 2024
59 (3/56) 14/42 R. G. Lucchi
K. St. John
T. Ronge
Non-IODP (Tie-up/Demobilization) 2 August–30 September 2024 (tie-up in Amsterdam; 59 days)
End of JRSO operations

1 The start date reflects the initial port call day. The vessel sails when ready.
2 Preliminary total estimated transit (i.e., to and from operational area and between sites).

International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition Map

PDF Download International Ocean Discovery Program expedition map in PDF format

IODP expeditions map

Combined International Ocean Discovery Program and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Map

PDF Download combined International Ocean Discovery Program and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program map in PDF format

IODP expeditions map

Who is Eligible to Sail?

Participation in IODP expeditions is open to all scientists from IODP’s member countries.
Applications must be submitted via each country’s or consortium’s program office.